
Graphic Witte, Emmanuel de (Dutch, 1617-1692)

Graphic Interior of a Church, canvas, Boymans-van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam. 151KB

Graphic Interior of the Oude Kerk at Amsterdam from the North Aisle to the East, oil on copper, private collection. 156KB

Graphic Witz, Conrad (German, active in Switzerland, approx. 1400-1446)

Graphic Saint Christopher, 1440, Цffentliche Kunstammlung Kunstmuseum at Basel. 105KB

Graphic The Altarpiece of Saint Peter, detail featuring "The Miraculous Draught of Fishes", 1444, panel painting, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire at Geneva. 198KB

Graphic Wood, Ella Mirriam (American, 1888-1976)

Graphic In the Sunlight, 1912, oil on canvas. 173KB

Graphic Wood, Grant (American, 1891-1942)

Graphic American Gothic, 1930, oil on beaver board, Art Institute of Chicago. 114KB

Graphic Stone City, Iowa, 1930, oil on wood, Joslyn Art Museum, Art Institute of Omaha Collection. 183KB

Graphic Self-Portrait, 1932, oil on masonite, Davenport Museum of Art. 102KB

Graphic Daughters of the Revolution, 1932, oil on masonite panel, Cincinnati Art Museum. 153KB

Graphic Return from Bohemia, 1935, crayon, gouache, and pencil on paper, The Regis Collection. 182KB

Graphic Wood, Thomas Waterman (American, 1823-1903)

Graphic In the Jelly Jar, 1880, oil on canvas. 133KB

Graphic Woodward, John Douglas (American, 1846-1924)

Graphic Villa Carlotta- Lake Como, 1898, oil. 162KB

Graphic Brunnen, Lake Lucerne, 1898, oil. 129KB

Graphic San Giorgio Maggoire, Venice, 1899, oil on canvas. 91KB

Graphic Wouterman, Philips (Dutch, 1619-1668)

Graphic The White Horse, 1640-45, panel, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 137KB

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