June 21, 2003
I've reworked my smart move patch to joe v. 2.9.8. Now you need to replace only one file -
Sat May 31 17:25:34 MSD 2003
Download joe-2.9.8-imovement.tar.gz -
my version of joe 2.9.8 with smart move support. You need
to add definition -DIMOVEMENT to cflags in Makefile after configure.
Sat May 18 20:34:12 MSD 2002
I have updated my previous patch (see download links below).
Added: function 'duplicate line' ( default ^] )
Changed: nextword now position cursor to the beginning of the next
word. 'smart move' operation is enabled by default (edit CFLAGS in Makefile.in
to disable ).
Patch seems to work with joe-current from CVS.
Fri May 17 20:19:34 MSD 2002
Joe editor is now available from
Developers does a great job ! Most of my proposals are already included.
But I don't like changes in movement functions
(I like jumping by word separated not just space chars but also by
punctuations), so I did a small patch
joe-2.9.8-pre1.patch, which should be
applied to 2.9.8-pre1 sources. Lazy people could download the whole
archive (joel-2.9.8-pre1.tar.gz
with already patched sources.
Also, you can add to CFLAGS (in Makefile after configure did it's job)
-DIMOVEMENT to get 'smart move' operation.
I don't bother to add powerfull calculator and X11 support.
(Sources for previous versions are available below).
My joerc file.
patch -p0 < joe2.8-locale.patch
Very brave people could try joel-2.8.tar.gz - all changes above plus:
My joerc file.
GiST support for PostgreSQL