This is a list of resources served by AstroNet, actually this is what I keep in memory :-)
- Home Of GCVS - General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- Home Of Catalog of Supernovae Stars
- Hypercat: extragalactic database
- MSU (Moscow State University) Search
- IAU Circulars
- Astronet - Russain Astronomical Network
- Home of Ftpdig - http gateway to ftp server
- Web - gateway to IAUC
- Mirror of Carol Jackson Fine Art collection
- The WebMuseum network
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- The Nine Planets
- The Web Nebulae
- Scientific Application for Linux
- Mirror of PostgreSQL WWW
- Mirror of CITFORUM
- Mirror of International Supernovae Network
- Mirror of United Nations Trade Point Development Centre - cancelled at 2001
- CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network: FTP, WWW
- FTP-Apache and WWW-Apache
- Russian Apache
- Aladdin Ghostscript
- The Gimp
- GNU project
- IRAF for Linux
- PostgreSQL ftp
- RFC Collection
- Slackware Linux distribution
- TeTeX